Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Ujian Praktek Seni Rupa XII IPA 2 SMADA Jombang

Suddenly, have an idea to upload some documentation on my Ujian Praktek when I was 12th grader. When i looked at the date when the pictures taken, it was on 27th of February 2013 heehee. It was 8 month ago hahaha. Well, enjoy. May it can be benefits for us :)

Well, we have some choices to do. We may make a painting, a jewelry box, a statue, or a building miniature. Then i chose a Painting.. hahah

The steps of mine

These are my friends result :D 

 a cute work of Atika hehe

Windy's. The roof can be opened lhooo..

The Tiny Stadium of Yoga's work

Me, with Alqis's Painting


Hello everyone, long time no see this little blog :D Last monday morning, I’ve  attended Stadium General or First Gathering of Bengkel Aktivis. Have you known about this event? It is an annual agenda of BEM FBS UNY. The last week of September, When some UKMs have done Open Recruitment of it’s new member, BEM held this event to guide the freshmen to become great activist. A harmonic collaboration, i think :)

Well, Honestly, it must be new for you to hear “Bengkel Aktivis”. Yeah, we can see from the word, Bengkel (Repair shop), maybe some of you think, if a freshman who joining this event  must be in broken condition, so it must be repaired. Hehe. That’s acceptable. But if we said the freshmen who join it wanna upgrade themselves perhaps it is better word hehe. Then how about the real meaning of Aktivis (Activist) ? Can a group of people that do demonstration in front of the president palace be called an activist? In common sense, activist-term is indentical with demontration in the road. Anarchic. Always enlarging the problem and perhaps didn’t solve the real problem ittself. Then, who can be called an activist? I am not sure about it. *i hope when this event finished, I‘ll get the best word to describe what an activist is and how they should think and do.

In that day, we were devided into some small groups contained 5-7 persons (actually the list showed that the member of each group is tens [belasan] ). Some of them have enrolled to be part of BENGKAK (Bengkel aktivis), then sent an applicant to the commitee. The pleased news is..... tererteret.... we’re all accepted ! hehe alhamdulillah. The commitee’s reason is because of, in here, the potency of being an activist can be from all of the freshmen, is'nt just from a group of persons. The other part of participants is from Maba Bintang in last OSPEK FBS. Maba Bintang (the star freshmen) is 100 freshmen that selected because of their activeness in ospek. Whether because of they are chief of their Gugus, or they did the competition well, or they have something that somehow made the commitee are thinking that they are have some leadership skill.
Every weeks in this month, each group of BENGKAK will be gather to discuss and sharing about leadership, event management, campus bureaucracy, problem solving, etc. It’s alike tutorial system of learning.

Well, beside discussing about the tecnical of the event, in that time, the commite invited the ex president BEM FBS 2009,  mas Anom Adi Nugraha, to attend and give some advise to the participants. The matter was very interesting and, personally, he has burnt my spirit to be more usefull for others. :)

Well, I’ll give you the summary of the oration in the next post InsyaAllah


*note: you can find bengkak's article on the official web of UNY :)

me,as Documentation Section, in my senior high school event. 

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013


Hello, I'M BACK
Now, i'm wearing blue jacket on Yogyakarta State University. Last week I joined OSPEK (Study orientation campuss introduction). It was SUPERB. Beside the tiring work of preparation for the attributes, the event went very well. I LOVE FBS at all. I LOVE YOGYAKARTA. The place and also the people :)

The first day is University's OSPEK. All the Freshmen (mahasiswa baru) of the UNY gathered in the UNY Stadium (GOR UNY). Each faculty have their own signature color. My lovely faculty, FBS (Faculty of Languages and arts) proud with Purple color. FIP (Faculty of Education science) in Green Colour. FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science) with its Blue Colour. FIS (Faculty of Social Science) in Red. FIK (Faculty of Sport Science) proud with Yellow, FT (Faculty of technique) in Orange, and the youngest one FE (Faculty of economics) in Pink Color. To show their glory colour of their faculty the brought headkerchief in colour. When they cheered their YEL-YEL, They're raising their headkerchief as raising their spirit. The voice of their cheers made as will the stadium will be collapse. I love the EUFORIA of OSPEK. Until now, i am missing that spirits !

The Upper photos captured on the first day. and the following day i didn't put out my HP because the rules became tighter then. In that days, there are some UKM (Student Activities Unit) display and some Oration (Orasi) from the Campus organization. Start from HIMA (Major community) until BEM (Student executive organization). They successed to burn the spirit of the freshmen to make effort to be better person and in the further try to make Indonesia better than now. Eh, I missing that i have some photos from my friend's HP when the following day...

The First day..


Ada yang bribik an hehehe

 Mulai Ganas !! Hahaha

Unguuuuuuu.... Sayang kamuuu !! 

 It's time to show !

Maghrib !


 Menggila !

MAJOR OSPEK !! EnglisH Education Major ! The Blue Jack..

All Major on SAMPARI !! 

Not felt, the Five days went so fast until the OSPEK Closing days. Different with the opening, the UNY Student are separated based on the faculty. So, I join the Closing Ceremony (or it can be called as Closing party) in the Stage Tari UNY (Dance stage). There're dancing all of the night. *maybe it's an hyperbola hehe. It was end at 8 o'clock maybe. You rock guys !! hehe. Eh salah dink. You Karawitan guys !! (karena alat musik yang digunakan gamelan dan alat musik tradisional yang di combine dengan alat band yang modern) hehee. It so SOMETHING !! hehe

Oh yeah, I will introduce you the FBS's mascot.. Monggo !!

Oh yeah. I missing the important part !! The tiring one.


Lorong padet banget !