Kamis, 09 April 2015


“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.” – Helen Keller

       I, myself, adore with sunshine and light, literally. A blue sky and the bright sun are always my favor. Some time, a mate next door was asked me what I did in front of my room bringing a book or tab quitely. I immediately answered that I was doing nothing. That question apparently trigerred me. “Why do I do that?” I said. Then I took a long deep breath and found the answer. Yep. It’s just my pleasure when killing the leisure time by reading a book or even e-book accompanying with sunshine and calm breeze in front of my second floor-room.

        Yet, the wet weather have come, I hardly met my sun now. I was sad, but I’m not alone but this for the laundry employee, my campus cleaning service, and maybe the rooster in front of my rent house who often show its shining fur. I miss my sun. and so are you. really missing you who affects my melatonin, serotonin,dopamin, endorfin, feromon, oxytocin, and adrenalin production.

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