In Indonesia, where major people is
in Islam religion, beer’s reputation is not really good indeed comparing with
another varieties of beverages. For it is containing special matter which is
well known as alcohol, people belief when a person is drinking too
much, he or she is at risk for any long-term health problem. Yet, actually alcohol has several
surprising health benefits. In what follow, I will show you how beer influences
our body 1.
The first
paraghraph explores how beer influences in the postive way. Beer can reduce the
risk of heart problem in fact. The recent study found that beer can decrease trigleserida
and LDL cholesterol in mouse experiment. as a consequent, the risk of heart
problem will also decrease. What is more, consuming a glass of beer a day with
appropiate amount can less blood coagulation which is good for people who has
heart problem live a longer life.
Further to this
theme, alcohol is also can affect the temperature of our body just like another
fermentation food and beverages, such as
tape ketan, tape singkong, legen, and so on. Our ancestors actually use
this kind of food to warm up our body when the weather is too cold, and it had
been a tradition as national inheritance.
Published Saturday,
April 25, 2015
Apart from
that, we will also considers the bad impacts of beer. As we know, the beer have
high-risk chemical which is able to make an addiction. Moreover, if someone is
addicted, he will drink in big amount of beer. Consequently, as a mature
person, we must remember the golden rule: everything in moderation. “You don’t
want to embarrass yourself in front of your friends by drinking too much, and
you certainly don’t want to put yourself at risk for any long-term health
effects like liver problems, kidney diseases and heart disease” suggest dr. Manny Alvarez, head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and
Reproductive Science at Hackensack University, USA, for healthy food and beverages consumption.
“Despite beer’s bad reputation, it actually has a number of natural antioxidants and vitamins that can help prevent heart disease and even rebuild muscle”, dr.Manny said
This evidence
highlight that as fermentation product, beer contains alcohol which make
special effect to our body. It is your right to drink or not. However you must also concern your health by
consuming in balance diet of foods and beverages.
1 in this essay,
i will verify the influence of beer regardless of its justification as Haram beverages cause it can be
categorized as Khamar indeed.
Neverthless, young people nowadays is so familiar with that alcoholic
beverages. By knowing the influences, i hope we can determine how to behave,
not directly blame and accuse other people without knowing the logical reasons.
By Ahmada Khoirulil Fatih
English Education FBS UNY
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