Ohh, I'm so sorry guys long time doesn't post in this blog again. But in this post i'll share you some information for you. I hope it will usefull for you :D
Yeah, I'm in 12th grader now in SMAN 2 Jombang. Next weet i'll follow Practice Examination. The first day is Religion and Biology. There are many matter that must be i understood. For Religion for example, The practice examination will be divided in three sections.
The first is Sholat Practice. (will be drawn)
- Niat Sholat Wajib
- Niat Sholat Jamak Qasar
- Peragaan Sholat wajib
- Peragaan Jamak Qasar
- Peragaan Sholat Jenazah
- Peragaan Sholat dalam berbagai keperluan
Then, Reading Holy Qur'an (all)
- Al Baqarah aya 30
- Al Mukminun aya 12-13
- Adz Dzari'at aya 56
- An Nahl aya 78
- Ali Imran aya 159
- Asy Syuro aya 38
- Yunus aya 101
- Al Baqarah aya 164
And the last is Daily Pray. (the most)
- Mau makan
- Selesai makan
- Mau Tidur
- Bangun Tidur
- Niat Tayamum
- Selesai Wudlu
- Masuk KM/WC
- Keluar KM/WC
- Mau belajar
- Selesai belajar
- Doa kebahagiaan dunia akhirat
- Keluar rumah
- Dalam perjalanan
- Selesai sholat Dhuha
- Setelah mendengarkan adzan
Whoaa, so many. right?? Semangat semangat... It's just for Religion. And BIOLOGY practice examination is still waiting. Hmm. For art lesson, I haven't prepare my painting either. Actually in art lesson, We are asked for chose between pure art and applied art. For pure art is also divided into two creating a mask or a painting. So do for applied art divided into Two. Creating mock-up (maket ) or Accosories container. Finally i choose paintings. wahahah. Okey. I hope I can do the best for this practice examination :D Aamiin