Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Ujian Praktek

Ohh, I'm so sorry guys long time doesn't post in this blog again. But  in this post i'll share you some information for you. I hope it will usefull for you :D


Yeah, I'm in 12th grader now in SMAN 2 Jombang. Next weet i'll follow Practice Examination. The first day is Religion and Biology. There are many matter that must be i understood. For Religion for example, The practice examination will be divided in three sections.

The first is Sholat Practice. (will be drawn)
  • Niat Sholat Wajib
  • Niat Sholat Jamak Qasar
  • Peragaan Sholat wajib
  • Peragaan Jamak Qasar
  • Peragaan Sholat Jenazah
  • Peragaan Sholat dalam berbagai keperluan

Then, Reading Holy Qur'an (all)
  1. Al Baqarah aya 30
  2. Al Mukminun aya 12-13
  3. Adz Dzari'at aya 56
  4. An  Nahl aya 78
  5. Ali Imran aya 159
  6. Asy Syuro aya 38
  7. Yunus aya 101
  8. Al Baqarah aya 164
And the last is Daily Pray. (the most)
  1. Mau makan 
  2. Selesai makan
  3. Mau Tidur
  4. Bangun Tidur
  5. Niat Tayamum
  6. Selesai Wudlu
  7. Masuk KM/WC
  8. Keluar KM/WC
  9. Mau belajar
  10. Selesai belajar
  11. Doa kebahagiaan dunia akhirat
  12. Keluar rumah
  13. Dalam perjalanan
  14. Selesai sholat Dhuha
  15. Setelah mendengarkan adzan

Whoaa, so many. right?? Semangat semangat... It's just for Religion. And BIOLOGY practice examination is still waiting. Hmm. For art lesson, I haven't prepare my painting either. Actually in art lesson, We are  asked for chose between pure art and applied art. For pure art is also divided into two creating a mask or a painting. So do for applied art divided into Two. Creating mock-up (maket ) or Accosories container. Finally i choose paintings. wahahah. Okey. I hope I can do the best for this practice examination :D Aamiin