Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Ujian Praktek Seni Rupa XII IPA 2 SMADA Jombang

Suddenly, have an idea to upload some documentation on my Ujian Praktek when I was 12th grader. When i looked at the date when the pictures taken, it was on 27th of February 2013 heehee. It was 8 month ago hahaha. Well, enjoy. May it can be benefits for us :)

Well, we have some choices to do. We may make a painting, a jewelry box, a statue, or a building miniature. Then i chose a Painting.. hahah

The steps of mine

These are my friends result :D 

 a cute work of Atika hehe

Windy's. The roof can be opened lhooo..

The Tiny Stadium of Yoga's work

Me, with Alqis's Painting

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