Hello fellas.
The most trending topics in Jogjakarta right now is Ashes everywhere, well, as we know it is caused by erruption of mt. Kelud last friday. The ash rain just for couple of hours but the effect are still being until now in Jogjakarta. I don't know why. But when i told my parents about this, the reaction of them are surprised of it. yeah, The fact is In Jombang, which is nearer with Mt. Kelud , the situation is much much much better than in Jogjakarta. Maybe it's caused by the wind in that night was facing toward the west. I am not sure about that.
The water rain is waited by many people here. But until now it's just once in the yesterday evening. Hmmm. It's so annoyed when knowing many of public facilities are closed since the eruption. I think the Mt. Kelud are the straight mountain. There is no signal about the eruption. huaaaaahhhhhh
When i used to wash my hair once a week (or once two weeks heuheuheu), in this five days, I have washed my hair everyday, twice malah wkwk
Apalagi ya? heuehe
Well, thank you for reading. Bye.
I can't promise to post the next post soon but i will force myself to write more in this lazy week heheh
Kampus FBS UNY yang terkena dampak erupsi Gunung Kelud Februari 2014 (taken by @intanoise )
Just Sharing, Ternyata pemakaian masker yang benar untuk menghindari debu vulkanis adalah dengan cara membaliknya yaitu bagian yang hijau ada di dalam.